Our story began in the State of Gujarat in 2007. After several iterations we have evolved at the community level, we now work in partnership with State Governments to deliver impact at scale.
Reach to Teach was founded by Sanjeev Gandhi, whose parents had migrated to the United Kingdom. In the spirit of giving back to the State from where his parents had come, he set up Reach to Teach as a charity in the United Kingdom in 2003 with the aim of providing education to out-of-school tribal children in the remote areas of Gujarat. We initially took the school to these children through vans by creating mobile classrooms and offered meals as an incentive to get children to attend as well as build links with local communities.
We strengthened our engagement with the community by setting up Learning Resource Centres in rural communities and collaborating with local civil society organisations. Through this initiative, we supported out-of-school children to achieve fundamental learning and pave the way for their transition into a formal education environment. Para teachers were trained and mentored by primary teachers from the United Kingdom in order to create a nurturing learning environment.
2007 was a milestone year for Reach to Teach as the Larry Ellison Foundation became an anchor funder giving it the impetus to scale up operations.
Impact during this period
Our efforts shifted to integrating the Learning Resource Centres with Government schools, aiming to enhance the overall quality of learning. Our primary focus remained on developing foundational skills, with the support of external education experts guiding the community para-teachers.
This was first implemented
in Kutch district across
reaching out to
In 2015, we launched the Education and Community Programme, dedicated to supporting teachers in effective classroom management and creating engaging learning environments. Head teachers received leadership training, fostering a sense of ownership within the community at all levels. This programme established deep rooted connections within the communities we served.
In 2018, Reach to Teach Foundation was set up as a Section 8 Company under the Companies Act 2013 to enable us to work with Indian CSR.
Direct impact:
Indirect impact:
In 2019, we strategically shifted our approach by moving to engage with the Gujarat Education Department in order to leverage our learning and work at scale from a Departmental level. The aim was to build upon the immense learning gained over more than a decade in the field. The idea was to evolve from small pockets of excellence and by doing so strengthening learning across all Government schools in the State.
In 2020, there was an organisational shift as the Board of Directors decided that the focus of Reach to Teach’s work needed to be India. As a result, the corporate office moved from the UK to India. In March 2020, Ratna Viswanathan became the first India-based CEO and succeeded Steve Cutts who was the last UK-based Chief Executive.
Commencing 2021, Reach to Teach has been systematically expanding its geographical footprint. The aim is to work across diverse States. We currently work in Gujarat, Haryana, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya.
We value the dignity, rights, views, and contribution of the people we work with.
We uphold the highest ethical and legal standards in our work and interactions.
We are honest in our actions and communication.
We strive to excel in everything we do.
We work collaboratively and value diverse opinions.
We aim to be credible and reliable in our actions.
We are a diverse and dedicated team, working with commitment to realise the organisation’s vision. We strive to create an environment that fosters excellence, encourages innovation and nurtures people to succeed.
We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate in terms of gender, religion, ethnicity, physical ability, age, sexual orientation and identity. We foster a culture of inclusion and respect.