We began our work in Gujarat in 2007, initially focusing on bringing out-of-school children from remote areas into the education system. Over time, we transitioned from direct engagement with select government schools to collaborating with the Gujarat Department of Education, extending our efforts statewide. This shift allowed us to scale our impact from local success to systemic change across all government schools.
Key initiatives:
Data Source: UDISE+ 2021-22 numbers published by Ministry of Education
We have worked in collaboration with the Government of Haryana to design the School Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework (SQAAF), launched in October 2023 by the Chief Minister and the Central Education Minister. This framework focuses on both qualitative and quantitative measures to drive school improvement. The process is led by Head Teachers and involves active participation from Teachers, School Management Committees and other stakeholders.
Key initiatives:
Capacity Development
Institutional Strengthening
Data Source: UDISE+ 2021-22 numbers published by Ministry of Education
In 2022, Reach to Teach Foundation partnered with NITI Aayog and the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to implement the Comprehensive Learning Transformation Programme. This initiative aims to support the Government to raise learning levels for children in Classes 1-12 and improve the State’s performance in national education indices.
Key initiatives:
Academic Strengthening
Capacity Development
Institutional Strengthening
Data Source: UDISE+ 2021-22 numbers published by Ministry of Education
Since September 2023, we are partnering with the Government of Meghalaya to enable students from Classes 1–12 to reach grade-appropriate learning levels. We are doing this through experiential modules and assessments, aligned with NCERT standards. The focus is on enhancing teacher capability and agency to improve Learning Outcomes (LOs).
Key initiatives:
Academic Strengthening
Capacity Development
Institutional Strengthening
Data Source: UDISE+ 2021-22 numbers published by Ministry of Education
Reach to Teach has been supported in its work by The Larry Ellison Foundation since 2007 as a single donor. Larry Ellison Foundation is the personal philanthropic initiative of Larry Ellison, the co-founder of Oracle Corporation. In 2007, Larry Ellison Foundation and Reach to Teach entered into a formal agreement where Larry Ellison Foundation funded all our work. This sustained support enabled us to scale up work. The Foundation will support us till 2025.
Larry Ellison Foundation(LEF)
NITI Aayog
Gujarat State Education Department
Haryana State Education Department
Arunachal Pradesh State Education Department
Meghalaya State Education Department
ITOWE Foundation
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Moore Kingston Smith
Contact us to explore partnership opportunities and invest in the future of education.