Education thrives on partnership and collaboration—within schools, between schools, and with other groups and organisations. Ken Robinson

Programme Design and Delivery

Service Offerings

Our work falls under the broad pillars of Governance, Capacity Development and Outreach. Additionally, we create a Comprehensive School Transformation Programme that includes different components of the various pillars in line with the ask of the State concerned.



Accreditation objectively evaluates school performance using qualitative and quantitative indicators. It includes an assessment of teaching and learning outcomes, infrastructure, teacher capability, support services and safety and security requirements amongst others mapped to specific indicators. It rests on a framework of domains, standards and indicators.

The design process includes extensive consultations at the departmental and user group level, documentation of SOPs and guidelines, training of system officials and training of master trainers, data gathering and analysis for evidence, and the generation of school report cards wherever required.

Capacity Development

School Leadership Development

The school leadership programme provides Head Teachers with training in leadership, governance, budget planning and community engagement. It emphasises continuous school improvement and teacher development through classroom observation, and engagement with teachers, School Management Committees and the larger community.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of Teachers and System officials

Training modules are developed through a consultative process, considering user needs and informed by research and good practice.


Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) focuses on a child's reading and basic mathematical skills which are crucial to future learning. We work on both strengthening FLN and FLN remedial programmes to address learning loss. We emphasise teacher training and age-appropriate teaching strategies to enhance FLN outcomes. We incorporate an element of play to engage the attention of young learners.

School Readiness Programme

The School Readiness Programme (SRP) is designed to re-engage teachers and children in Classes 1-5 on their return from school breaks. It spans six weeks and focuses on interactive activities that ease children back into the routine of learning in brick-and-mortar structures.

Learning Recovery Programme

The Learning Recovery Programme (LRP) is aimed at bridging students’ learning gaps, enabling them to achieve grade-appropriate learning and covers Classes 1-12.

Learning Enhancement Programme

The Learning Enhancement Programme (LEP) aims to get children to perform at a level above their grade.

Composite Service Offerings

Comprehensive School Transformation Programme

The Comprehensive School Transformation Programme is a composite offering of three outreach products namely the SRP, LRP and LEP. It also includes other components such as teacher training, and State Level Assessment Surveys linked to the programme.